See below for details of groups that meet at All Saints and St Saviour’s.
For details about special services and events see our News and Events page.
Open House Toddler Group
Mondays from 9.30am to 11.30am during term time, at All Saints Church.
It is a bright start to the week for children 0 to when they start school! We are a friendly and welcoming group offering a wonderful variety of activities, toys, story reading and songs.
There are healthy snacks for the children and tea/coffee for the adults.
There is a £2 charge
New families are always welcome!

Craft Group
Mondays from 1pm to 3pm (excluding bank holidays)
All Saints Church Hall
Happy sociable group for crafters or those who just want to meet and chat. No previous experience is required and everyone is welcome regardless of ability.
All materials are provided and we cover a wide range of crafts, such as silk painting, cross stitch, patchwork, card making using a wide range of techniques, small stuffed toys / felt decorations etc.
Cost £1.50 which covers all materials plus a cuppa!

Mondays from 4.30-5.30pm
St Saviour’s church, Branston.
Girl guiding for ages 5-7

Friendship Group
Tuesdays from 2-4.30pm
St Saviour’s church, Branston.
Coffee, cake and chat.
Bring along a friend or make new ones here.
Open to all.
Prayer for healing is available for any who seek it.

Bible Study
Wednesdays from 10am at All Saints Church.
Meeting in the library room, please use the side door found along the footpath to the side of the church building.
We study the Bible and then have a discussion as we delve deeper into the passage.
We also have a time of fellowship, a time of worship and prayer.

Youth Craft Group
Meeting once monthly on a Saturday at All Saints Church Hall.
Aged 8+
Craft, fun, fellowship and faith for creative youngsters.
Email us or speak to Kate Brown for details and dates.

Pastoral Care
St Saviour’s and All Saints share a joint pastoral care team who work together to provide support and home visits to the sick, the housebound and the bereaved. We also do hospital visits.
We can visit you at home with home communion (the reserved sacrament) if required.
If you, or a relative, neighbour or friend who lives in our parish requires a home or hospital visit please contact the parish office on 01283 749162 or the Vicar on 01283 541884 and one of our pastoral visiting team will visit.If you wish to be included on the churches prayer chain, please click the ‘contact us’.
The team meet together quarterly for training and mutual support.
Chestnut Grange , All Saints Road, Burton Upon Trent.
A service of Holy Communion if held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm in the Media Room.